Default equality options.
Handles precision of the f64 datatype with 10 binary places of leaway.
Precision is 43 and unit is 1.
Standard equality options for the f64 datatype, with a high unit.
The unit is 2e-12, thus anything smaller than about 2e-24 will be considered zero.
Standard equality options for the f64 datatype, with a small unit.
The unit is 2e-24, thus anything smaller than about 2e-72 will be considered zero.
The full equality of the f64 datatype.
Has no leaway.
WARNING: This does not account for any floating point errors.
The full equality of the f16 datatype.
The full equality of the f32 datatype.
Lowest precision equality options.
Handles precision of the f16 datatype with 3 binary places of leaway.
Lower precision equality options.
Handles precision of the f32 datatype with 4 binary places of leaway.
Generated using TypeDoc
Collection of equality options.